You may already know that shifting credit card debt from a high interest card over to a low interest one can save you a significant amount of money
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Trust Deeds can be invaluable in helping Scots get out of debt, and avoid bankruptcy. Can a Trust Deed help solve huge credit card debts? Find out more.
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Credit card debt is unsecured so you don’t need to worry about any of your assets being repossessed, but getting behind with credit card repayments can still cause an alarming spiral into debt.
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Our Insolvency Practitioners are regulated by ICAS or the IPA and our firm is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Fees and Information: There are fees associated with our services. These will be fully explained before entering into any of the personal debt solutions referred to on this website. Full details of our fees and how these are charged are fully explained to you prior to you committing to any particular service.