Sharon McDougall - 18th August 2021 - 2 minutes to read
Scots are being advised to get help to make their homes more energy efficient if they’re worried about rising energy bills heading into the autumn.
A growing number of Scots are concerned about how they’ll pay their energy bills in part because the prices associated with domestic gas and electricity supplies are set to increase in the coming weeks.
Along with cuts to Universal Credit payments and the end of the government’s furlough scheme, it is feared that energy bill increases will contribute further to seeing many Scottish households feeling a financial squeeze in the final few months of this year.
Part of the problem is understood to be that many people have already been experiencing energy bill increases in recent months because they’ve needed to work from home during the pandemic.
The Scottish government has announced that it is providing extra funding to schemes designed to help people access home improvement services that make their properties more energy efficient.
However, recent research from Home Energy Scotland suggests that there is widespread concern about rising energy bills across the country.
According to the organisation’s figures, as many as 70 per cent of Scots are worried about seeing their energy costs increase and 59 per cent say they’ve already been hit with increases they are concerned about.
Harry Mayers from Home Energy Scotland is urging people to do what they can now to make their homes more energy efficient before the winter arrives and the weather gets much colder.
“For thousands of homes across Scotland it is now vital to get things sorted so that heating costs aren’t such a worry when next winter comes,” he is quoted as saying by Edinburgh Live.
“The good news is there is a lot of help available and summer is the best time to access it.”
Figures released recently by the price comparison website suggested that even a £10 increase to monthly energy bills could force nearly seven million people across the UK into debt.
If you live in Scotland and you are struggling to cope with your personal debts then Scotland Debt Solutions can help. Contact us directly to arrange a FREE and confidential consultation.
Sharon McDougall
Levels of unsecured debt in Scotland increased dramatically during 2022 as the cost of living crisis took its toll on household finances.
Close to half a million Scots are in a position of profound financial hardship, according to a new set of figures.
Disabled people in Scotland are being urged by the government to check whether they might be eligible for benefits that could help make their life a little easier.
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