Sharon McDougall - 23rd December 2021 - 2 minutes to read
Scots are being encouraged to apply for and access any benefits they are entitled to claim if they’re finding it tough to make ends meet this winter.
Recent surveys suggest that roughly one in five Scots would not feel comfortable about receiving financial support in the form of benefits even if they were perfectly entitled to do so.
The figures show that around 20 per cent of people would feel judged by other people for claiming Universal Credit, while around 11 per cent would feel the same way if they were receiving Child Tax Credits.
Derek Mitchell, chief executive of Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS), has said he hopes to see people overcoming any feelings of reluctance they might have about applying for financial support if they need it.
“People shouldn’t feel uncomfortable about accessing the support they are entitled to,” Mr Mitchell has said.
“That’s how the welfare state works, we all pay in and get support when we need it.
“That’s what the money is there for, and after the past few years people should be confident about getting the payments they are due.”
Mr Mitchell went on to point out that claiming benefits you’re entitled to could be particularly important for Scots this winter with inflation on the up and incomes generally not stretching as far as in previous years.
“The reality is people are facing a perfect storm this winter of rising bills and falling incomes, so maximising your income and getting all the money you are entitled to is really important to help with bills and spending,” he said.
CAS works with thousands of people every year who struggle with personal debt issues and is supporting a new website designed to offer potentially valuable information to anyone living in Scotland who is finding it tough financially.
The new website is called Money Support Scotland and it collates links to providers of guidance in relation to claiming benefits and dealing with personal debts.
If you live in Scotland and you are struggling with debts or concerned about how best to handle your creditors then Scotland Debt Solutions can help. Contact us directly to arrange a FREE and confidential consultation.
Sharon McDougall
Levels of unsecured debt in Scotland increased dramatically during 2022 as the cost of living crisis took its toll on household finances.
Close to half a million Scots are in a position of profound financial hardship, according to a new set of figures.
Disabled people in Scotland are being urged by the government to check whether they might be eligible for benefits that could help make their life a little easier.
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