Sharon McDougall - 31st January 2023 - 2 minutes to read
The number of people officially considered to be homeless in Scotland reached a record high recently, according to a new set of figures.
As many as 28,944 people in different parts of the country had nowhere to live as of September 2022, data from the Scottish government has revealed.
That total represents an 11 per cent increase on a year earlier and a new high watermark for homelessness in Scotland, with official records of those numbers having been kept since 2002.
In addition to homelessness, a growing number of people in Scotland are apparently being kept in temporary accommodation while they await access to permanent housing situations.
As of September 2022, there were at least 14,458 people registered as living in temporary accommodation across Scotland, which is also the highest figure on record.
More than 9,000 children are known to be among those waiting to get a permanent roof over their heads in September last year.
“These statistics are unacceptable and concerning,” commented the Scottish government’s housing secretary Shona Robison.
“The number of households, and particularly children, in temporary accommodation in some council areas is too high and we are firmly committed to reducing it.”
However, the homelessness charity Shelter Scotland has long argued that the Scottish government should be doing much more to increase social housing supplies in communities around the country.
Alison Watson, a director with the charity, said in response to the latest figures: “The Scottish government knows how to fix homelessness and the wider housing emergency in Scotland.
“Over the years they have been presented with endless evidence and testimony that investing in social housing ends homelessness, tackles child poverty and is vital in tackling the housing emergency. The Scottish government have made a choice not to act on that evidence.”
Some anti-poverty campaigners and charities have taken the news that Scotland’s homelessness is at a record high as further evidence of the impact that the cost of living crisis in having on household finances and personal debt situations.
“There is a serious risk these figures are the tip of the iceberg, as people can’t keep up with essential spending,” noted Aoife Deery from Citizens Advice Scotland.
If you live in Scotland and you are worried about your personal debt situation then Scotland Debt Solutions can help. Contact us directly to arrange a FREE and confidential consultation.
Sharon McDougall
Levels of unsecured debt in Scotland increased dramatically during 2022 as the cost of living crisis took its toll on household finances.
Close to half a million Scots are in a position of profound financial hardship, according to a new set of figures.
Disabled people in Scotland are being urged by the government to check whether they might be eligible for benefits that could help make their life a little easier.
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