Residents in Livingston struggling under the weight of debt can take action by contacting local debt advice centres, completely free of charge. There is specialist help at hand and more often than not, people are unaware that the help exists.
You can contact your local council for general money advice – there is a department within West Lothian council that you can contact on 01506 280000. For those with high levels of debt that require expert debt management advice, you should speak to Scotland Debt Solutions – the nation's leading personal debt advisers.
Scotland Debt Solutions help thousands of Scots get out of debt every year. From our nearest office in Edinburgh, the short drive down the M8 motorway to Livingston is one that our advisors regularly make to help individuals across the West Lothian region.
However you've amassed your debts; whether it's through mortgage arrears or simply overspending on credit cards in The Centre, it's crucial to realise that you're not alone and you must put pride and stubbornness to one side in order to regain control of your finances.
We have seen all kinds of personal debt situations since we began helping Scots in debt back in 1989 and we can talk you through the relevant procedures that could help you become debt-free within one to four years – such as Trust Deeds, Debt Arrangement Schemes and Sequestration. These solutions are only available to people living in Scotland.
If you are struggling with debt in West Lothian Council, you can reach out to their customer information team on 01506 280000. If you would like to receive free support, our team can offer free guidance on Council Tax Arrears, Wage Arrestment Orders (also referred to as Earning Arrestment Orders), as well as further debt solutions.
Our personal insolvency team are currently helping hundreds of people in the Livingston and surrounding West Lothian area every year – contact us on 0800 063 9250 for confidential advice. Find out more on how you can secure a debt-free future by contacting our specialist debt advice team at Scotland Debt Solutions.
We'll give you a call
Our Scottish based team can help advise you on your debt problems.
Debt Report
Our debt report is completely easy to use and is a great starting point for anyone with over £5000 of debts looking to take control of their debt issues. By providing us with details of your incomings and outgoings we can suggest the most appropriate way forward for you.
If you would prefer a meeting in the comfort of your own home, we are happy to arrange a date and time convenient for you no matter where in the country you are based.
Additional Debt Advice
Our Insolvency Practitioners are regulated by ICAS or the IPA and our firm is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Fees and Information: There are fees associated with our services. These will be fully explained before entering into any of the personal debt solutions referred to on this website. Full details of our fees and how these are charged are fully explained to you prior to you committing to any particular service.